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miercuri, 6 ianuarie 2016

Putin... bagă frica-n toţi! Putin is almighty and immortal! Ha, ha, ha... Mai baieti si fatuce... usor cu pianul pe scari!

 Vladimir Putin Immortal? Photos of Russian President From 100 Years Ago

Conspiracy theorists ‘prove’ Vladimir Putin is actually immortal

 Vladimir Putin is either 100-plus years old and never ages - or a time traveler looking for the army of the 12 monkeys, the internet ‘proved’ this week.

Conspiracy theorists are convinced by the ‘solid’ evidence that the Russian president may have been alive for more than a century.

 UFO site, which uses the slogan "truth revealed", posted: “Social networks are circulating pictures from 1920 and 1941 for which some people claim that they are pictures of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In fact, supporters of the thesis that Putin is almighty and immortal have launched a story that their president is a mythical creature that resides on our planet for hundreds, if not thousands of years.”

That would explain why he doesn’t look 63 years old.


Vladimir Vladimirovici Putin este un om politic rus.
În prezent ocupă pentru a treia oara funcția de președinte al Federației Ruse. Wikipedia
Născut: 7 octombrie 1952 (vârsta 63)

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