În urmă cu 50 de ani, pe 12 aprilie 1961, o capsulă VOSTOK 1, avându-l la bord pe Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin a decolat de pe cosmodromul Baikonur din Kazahstan, cosmonautul rus devenind astfel
primul om care a ajuns în spaţiu.
Datos biográficos:
Yuri Alexeievich Gagarin, Distrito de Smolensko, URSS (1934-1968), cosmonauta soviético y primer hombre que realizó un vuelo espacial, nació en el koljós de Gjatsk el 9 de marzo de 1934 en el seno de una familia obrera; su padre era carpintero de la granja colectiva donde nació. A los siete años tuvo que interrumpir sus estudios como consecuencia de la invasión alemana. Tras la victoria de la URSS, ingresó en la Juventud Comunista en 1949 y en 1951 se graduó como moldeador fundidor. Posteriormente obtuvo el título de técnico industrial en Saratov. En el aeroclub de esta ciudad recibió sus primeras clases de vuelo.
En 1955 ingresó en la Academia de las Fuerzas Aéreas y en 1957 obtuvo el grado de oficial. En 1960 fue seleccionado para la primera promoción de cosmonautas. Tras protagonizar la hazaña del primer vuelo espacial en 1961 fue designado comandante de la Unidad de Cosmonautas Soviéticos, condecorado con la Orden de Lenin y nombrado Héroe de la Unión Soviética. El 27 de marzo de 1968 murió en una misión rutinaria a los mandos de un caza MiG, al estrellarse su avión cerca de Moscú.

April 12, 2011 the humanity will mark 50 years since the first human space flight.
Yuri Gagarin, the 1st cosmonaut, opened the way for development of Seventh Ocean's new spaces. VATRUS invites all pilots to the "Krainiy" airfield, located close to the Baikonur launch site to mark this momentous occasion.
Gagarin with his wife and daughters. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) with his wife Valentina (right) and daughters Galina (born 1960) and Yelena (born 1959) in June 1963. Gagarin had married Valentina Goryacheva six years earlier in 1957, with their two young daughters born a few years later. Two years before this photograph was taken, Gagarin had become the first human in space, orbiting the Earth in the Vostok 1 spacecraft on 12 April 1961. Following this historic spaceflight, Gagarin became a hero in the Soviet Union and famous worldwide. Photographed in Moscow, Russia.
Nasa celebrates first spaeravller
Gagarin claudio baglioni
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin
Dumitru Prunariu, singurul roman care a zburat in spatiul cosmic, a fost decorat marti de presedintele rus Dmitri Medvedev, in cadrul unei ceremonii desfasurate la Kremlin. Ceremonia a avut loc cu prilejul implinirii a 50 de ani de la primul zbor al omului in spatiul cosmic, realizat pe 12 aprilie 1961 de Yuri Gagarin, transmite Agerpres.
Medvedev i-a inmanat lui Dumitru Prunariu medalia pentru "merite in cucerirea spatiului cosmic". Cu aceasta distinctie au fost onorati
14 cetateni proveniti din alte state decat Rusia, si anume din SUA, Japonia, Franta, Germania, Belgia, Bulgaria, Ungaria si Slovacia.
Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu is a Romanian cosmonaut and the first Romanian in space.
Born on September 27, 1952 in Brasov, Romania, Dumitru Dorin Prunariu graduated from the Physics and Mathematics high school in Brasov in 1971 and from the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest in 1976, obtaining a degree in Aerospace Engineering. D. Prunariu worked as a Diplomatic Engineer at "Industria Aeronautica Româna IAR- Brasov", an aircraft industry facility, prior to enrolling in the Romanian Air Force Officers Training School in 1977.
He was selected for spaceflight training in 1978 as a part of the Intercosmos Program. Obtaining the maximum marks during three years of preparation he was selected for a joint space flight with the Russian cosmonaut Leonid Popov. In May 1981 they completed an eight- day space mission on board Soyuz 40 and the Salyut 6 space laboratory where they completed scientific experiments in the fields of astrophysics, space radiation, space technology, space medicine and biology.
D. Prunariu became the 103rd human being flying
into the Outer Space.
Frumoase imagini! Spun mai mult decat 1000 de vorbe. Cred ca ai muncit mult, sa le aduci la starea de postare.
RăspundețiȘtergereMi-a placut ce-am vazut si ce-am citit!
Tot incerc sa-ti mai spun ceva, dar cred ca m-am intersectat cu baietii destepti, supusi lui Zeus si mi s-a restartat calculatorul de 2 ori!
RăspundețiȘtergereIn fine, voiam sa spun ca, din pacate, din cronologia postata de anonim , lipseste anul primului zbor al unui roman in spatiu,si numele acestuia: DUMITRU PRUNARU, 14 mai, 1981!
Evenimentul acesta nu trebuie uitat, niciodata!
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